When in Rome...

"Mom, I want to do Romen Noodle Chicken!  Alex told me about it at school.""Awesome!" (thinking this is some fun ethnic recipe that we get to try...) "Did he give you a recipe?"I start googling "romen noodle chicken" to find a fun recipe to try."No mom, he said it's just something that you get at the store."oh no, he can't mean...he really wouldn't be so excited about...I have tried so hard to have us stay away from...I google the dreaded words:   "Yes!  That's it!  That's what I want to make for my dinner night!"(insert mommy face-palming herself icon here)    All was not lost... I started googling recipes with ramen noodles in them, which then added chicken and vegetables.  Lots and lots of vegetables.Every recipe received a shake from his head."no, I just want the noodles""What about this one with fun broccoli added?""nope, just the noodles""This one with yummy chicken??""nope."So, I went to the store, searched diligently, and finally found the family pack size of Ramen noodles.And on his cooking night, I finally talked him into doing two batches. ... at least some of us got some vitamins out of the meal :)And he got to have his straight-up-nothing-added-even-drained-the-juice-rAmen-noodles-chicken.        now, if you'll excuse me... I need to go schedule his triple bypass surgery for a few years down the road... :O
